Pond Solutions -The Leading Pond and Watergarden Supply Company  Celebrating 25 Years Online!

How to Build a Pond

How to Build a Pond

Pond Construction and Design

Thinking about creating a pond or water garden and don't know where to start?  Check out our Pond Construction eBook that's jam packed with important information you need to know when designing your first pond or water garden!
Included in our eBook are step-by-step instructions for building a pond including some of the basics like:

  • Determining the Proper Placement of a Pond

  • Electrical and City Code Considerations

  • How to Determine the Pond Liner Size You Need and How to Install It

  • How to Create Bog and Marginal Plant Shelves

  • How to Create A Nearly Maintenance Free Pond (the most frequently asked question!)

  • And Much More...

We've also covered a lot of important information regarding filtration and water circulation.  Did you know that the #1 reason why small ponds or water gardens (less than 2500 square feet ) fail is because they have the wrong size of filter or pump!
We discuss exactly what you need to know about proper filtration and water circulation including:

  • Determining the Proper Size of Pump You Need

  • Determining the Proper Size of Filter You Need

  • How to Determine the Volume of Water Your Pond Holds

  • How to Determine Electric Costs

  • How to Keep Your Pond Clear and Enjoyable

  • And Much More...

Besides providing information for creating ponds and water gardens we also provide step-by-step instructions for:

  • How to Create a Dynamic Waterfall the Easy Way!

  • How to Create a Cool, Natural Looking Stream!

People often think that it is difficult to create a waterfall but with a liner, some rocks, a few muscles and some creativity, it's a cinch!  We discuss how you can properly create your waterfall so the water flows over the rocks instead of underneath them.  (You'd be surprised at the goofs people made BEFORE they read our course!)  We also give you in-depth information regarding how you determine the correct size of pump you need for the waterfall which can be totally different than the pump size you need for the pond!

Once you've got your pond or water garden set up you'll want to design a new landscape around it.  Plant some flowers, trees, grasses or whatever you like.  We've included dozens and dozens of  pictures of some great plant selections that you can incorporate into your design!  This way you can go to your local nursery and know exactly what you want!

Plan on creating a water garden?  Well, you'll definitely need some aquatic plants to go in to your pond and you'll need to know how to fertilize them and take care of them!  In our eBook we provide a lot of helpful information about pond plant care including fertilization, plant pruning, seasonal plant care and much more! 

Once your pond or water garden is created and you did a great job on it (because you were informed by reading our eBook), you'll need to know how to take care of.  We've naturally provided all of that information for you, too - right in our eBook!  We include important pond care information such as:

  • How to Determine How Many Fish You Can Have in Your Pond and Not Overload Your Filter

  • How to Safely Transfer Fish to Your Pond

  • How to Reduce 'Pea Green Soup' Algae and Ugly String Algae

  • How to Keep Predators such as Blue Herons and Cats from Eating Your Fish

  • How to Determine and Create Good Water Quality

  • How to Properly Care for Your Pond

  • And Much More...

Did I tell you that our Pond Construction and Maintenance eBook Course consists of nearly 100 photos and dozens and dozens of pages of important information?   A lot of pond books out on the market don't include all the information we provide in our eBook Course!

That's why we created our eBook; so you would avoid a lot of mistakes others have made when creating their first pond.  Hey, we know what kind of mistakes people make!  Over the years we've answered 1000s and 1000s of emails from people just like you who wanted to create their first pond and didn't know the first thing how to go about it.  Unfortunately they found out about our eBook course after they spent countless, back-breaking hours and a lot of unnecessary money just to have to either buy or do something over again the right way.  We've provided A LOT of helpful information in our eBook course so you don't make a lot of the common mistakes they did!

Listen to what our customers have to say about our eBook...

"Just a fast comment on the material I just read ...OUTSTANDING is the only word that comes to mind, well almost.   THANK YOU are the other two words...  I am building my first waterfall/pond project and had so many questions I needed answering.  And, I tell you, thanks to you I have most, if not all my questions answered.  You sir/madam have saved me hours of research by providing this information...   Again, I say, THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!"  ~ Gary Miller

"Thank you, thank you, thank you.   We just purchased 11 mountain acres with a large natural pond.  Your course was the MOST informative and user friendly.  I took the time to go thru your online course and found the information is FANTASTIC!!  I feel much more knowledgeable and confident that we can manage our water.  Again, thank you so very much!"  ~ Judy Halse

"Can you imagine my delight?  I was talking to a friend about building a pond and had absolutely NO idea what the process involved, or the cost.  So, I figured maybe I could find some basic info on the internet.  Your Ponds Online Course gave me everything I need to get started (well, except for the money).  I will print out the course and spend this lovely Sunday morning in Ohio on my patio reading it.  Thanks again for the wonderful info!"    ~ Judy Stahl

"Wow!  Thanks a lot!  I have been trying to find anyone around here that could explain the items you have included in your online course.  Intuitively, I knew there were issues regarding volume, height, weir, fish, plants, etc. so I am glad I found your website.  I will visit often and you can expect me to be a customer.  Thanks again!"  ~ Bob Sadler

"Wonderful information!!! Informative photos, too. Thanks so much. Now >I think I will have the courage to start digging mine as soon as the weather is right for it."   ~ Jane Pictor

See!  What did I tell you?  One of the best things about our eBook besides it being so comprehensive is that it costs practically nothing compared to the time and money you would spend if you had to buy a different product or do something over in your pond construction because you made a costly mistake!  

Other pond books cost anywhere from $28.00  to $50.00 or more but we wanted to make ours affordable for everyone.

For just $19.95 ( I know, it's ridiculously low and for how long, I'm not sure) we'll send you our Pond Construction and Maintenance eBook Course that's jam packed with tons of important information and nearly 100 photos within minutes of placing your order. 

Our eBook is easy to use (simply navigate by links just like you do on our website) and it's yours to use whenever you want.  All you need is to remember the username and password we assign to you when you place your order to access it.

So what do you have to lose?  Order our Pond Construction and Maintenance eBook now and get all the important information you need to create and maintain a healthy pond or water garden!

P.S.  Oh yeah, one other thing. Just from purchasing the eBook you'll also receive free information throughout the year including tips and tricks to making your pond more maintenance free and enjoyable.  Information like:

  • Overwintering Your Pond

  • How to Keep Leaves and Debris out

  • How to Reduce Sludge Build Up

  • How to Get Rid of the Notorious, Nasty, String Algae

  • And Much, Much More...

So, order your eBook Online Course today and avoid the common, costly mistakes that 1000s have made!  To order, simply click here!

~Your Friends at: PondSolutions.com


P.S.S.   Here's a few more comments from our customers regarding the helpful information they receive throughout the year...


"Your Fall Maintenance newsletter is very helpful and informative.  Your advice about the beneficial bacteria is very true.  It madea world of difference in my pond and I have not had an algaeproblem since I got my biological filter set up.  Thanks for thenewsletter on Fall Maintenance." ~ Joe K.

"Your article on sludge and keeping the pond clean was very useful.  A lot of good info. Thanks!" ~ Jim

"I appreciate your newsletters.   They are most informative.  Please keep them coming!"  ~Beverly

"Thanks for your newsletter. I've had my pond, (approx. 1.5 acres), for 5 years and consider it a success. Reading your tips and techniques refreshes my memory and motivates me not to take it's current condition lightly. I know that keeping a pond in good condition takes time and effort, and your newletter has reminded me of that. I'll visit your website soon and learn more about the beneficial bacteria additives you were discussing and consider purchasing it. Thanks again for your mail, hope to receive more." ~ Jack Jackson, Tenn.

"Very many thanks for the recent newsletter. I found it very helpful."  ~Natalie M.

"I loved your course and have enjoyed your website in preparation for building a pond myself. Today I received the newsletter. It's great, too. I especially like the homey, folksy style of writing."  ~ Mike Wise


P.S.S.S.  You know, I can't resist this one last comment or short story, actually. I was in a home improvement center not too long ago and happened upon their 'pond supply' area.  While there I couldn't help but overhear a conversation that was taking place between a sales associate and another customer. It was very obvious that the sales associate didn't know what he was talking about and was giving incorrect advice.  After the customer had left I asked the sales associate if he had a pond and he confessed that he didn't and that he had just started working there 3 days ago!  Now, I realize that every sales person has to start somewhere but this advice was going to cost this customer A LOT of time, money, and frustration.  He had recommended the wrong size of pump for her project and advised her to use some chemicals in her pond that would not have solved the problem.   Unfortunately I have heard many, many scenarios like this from 1000s of our customers.  That's why we created our eBook.  We want you to do things right the first time and avoid all those mistakes that so many people have made when creating their first pond! 

To order your copy of our Pond Construction and Maintenance eBook simply click here!  You should receive it within minutes of ordering it online!

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