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The Benefits of a Pond Deicer During the Winter

16th Jan 2014

During the cold winter months, it's important to keep an area of your pond from freezing over.  You can do so by using a pond deicer.

A pond deicer comes as either floating or sinking.  The floating type floats on top of the water and keeps an area of the water's surface from freezing over solid.  A sinking deicer sinks to the bottom of the pond and keeps an area of it from freezing.  Sometimes the fish may huddle around it to keep 'warm' (or less cold).  There are also 'convertible deicers' that can either sink or float which are always a good buy.

Whatever you do, be sure to keep an area of your pond open during the winter if you live where it gets freezing temperatures.  This is vital to keeping your fish alive during the cold winter months as the exit hole in the ice allows an exit for toxic gases from decomposing organic matter to escape while allowing an entrance hole for fresh oxygen to enter.  Having this hole in the ice will help ensure fish survival when they could all very well perish without it.

It's important to know that a pond deicer isn't necessarily a pond 'heater'.  A heater will heat the entire body of water to a desired degree, if it's the right size, whereas a deicer is thermostatically controlled by the manfacturer to go on when the water temperature is just above freezing.  A pond heater can cost several hundred dollars or more whereas a pond deicer can cost around $50.00 or so.

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